وضعیت : ناموجود

Climatological Terminology

  • ناشر: آموزشی تألیفی ارشدان
  • زبان: انگلیسی
  • تعداد صفحه نسخه مکتوب: 202
  • شابک: 978-600-8170-30-3
  • سال نشر: 1394
  • قیمت نسخه مکتوب: 17000 تومان


Dictionaries of appropriate resources are linking between communities and countries, with different languages. Therefore every country is trying to be prepared in specific areas of specialized dictionaries. This dictionary can help the students of variety field of study to advance and develop their level

of language and technical knowledge. It also can help students in translation the scientific articles and making communication with the world.

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