وضعیت :
The postmodernism spectrograph
- ناشر: آموزشی تالیفی ارشدان
- نویسنده: فاطمه محمودآبادی
- زبان: انگلیسی
- تعداد صفحه نسخه مکتوب: 186
- شابک: 978-600-995-215-1
- سال نشر: 1397
- قیمت نسخه مکتوب: 25000 تومان
The two terms „modernism‟ and „postmodernism‟ are very much useful in recent times. All of we know that modern philosophy begins with the arrival of Rene Des-cartes in the philosophical zone. But none can say the exact date and year of the beginning of Postmodernism. But yet it is believed that the birth place of Postmodern- ism is St. Louis in 1972 on a July and after seven years it could occupy the intellectual mind when Jean Francois Lyotard, a French philosopher published his work The Postmodern Condition: A Report of Knowledge.